
  • Integrating and Indigenizing Operations for a New Facility
    Planning for a new facility presents an opportunity to assess current and future operations. Will the new facility spark growth? Require more staff? Serve as a site for new programs? Provide for collections growth? Expand exhibits? Add technology? Facilitate better collections care? This webinar will provide an overview of museum functions, staffing, and space considerations for the new facility, from developing new exhibits, acquiring collections, growing public programs, launching new initiatives, hiring and training staff, and reviewing/revising policies and procedures.
  • Museum Core Documents: Emergency Plan
    This tutorial provides an overview of the Emergency Plan. The presenter briefly discusses what an emergency or disaster plan is, why it is important, the benefits of having an emergency plan in place, and the required elements for writing an effective emergency plan.


  • Running a Museum: A Practical Handbook


  • National Museum Operations Manual

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