President/CEO, Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries and Museums
Susan Feller is the founding President/CEO of the Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums where she directs its national professional development programs, special projects, and advocacy efforts. Susan serves on numerous national committees and commissions and advises government agencies and Congressional members on matters relating to indigenous cultural institutions.
Susan’s current projects include directing the “Going Home Project”, a Mellon Foundation funded project to help Native communities implement the return of non-NAGPRA items, the “Native Arts & Cultures Project”, a Ford Foundation funded project to build local support for Native artists and culture bearers, the “Archive of Recorded Native American History”, a Doris Duke Foundation funded effort to digitally repatriate recordings held by non-tribal institutions, the “Improving Broadband Access and Digital Inclusion in Native Communities Project”, an Institute of Museum and Library Services effort to build model Maker Spaces and technology labs tailored to the needs of Native communities, the “Culture Builds Communities Project”, an IMLS-funded effort to provide training and resources to Native communities seeking to build cultural facilities, the “Sustaining Humanities in Native Communities Grant Program” a $4.3 million regrant project with the National Endowment of the Humanities, and the International Conference of Indigenous Archives, Libraries, and Museums that annually attracts more than 1,500 attendees.
Susan also works with the White House International Repatriation Council on an initiative to build bridges between USA-based tribes and international collecting institutions. She just completed “Sustaining and Advancing Indigenous Cultures,” a three-year study of the needs of cultural institutions and is now working with a national advisory group to implement identified action items.